No float parades for Mashramani 2016

Posted on 21/09/2015

No float parades for Mashramani 2016

According to Junior Education Minister Nicolette Henry – Mashramani celebrations 2016 will be without the grand and spectacular float parades – to make way for the country’s historical 50th Independence anniversary celebrations.

Henry explained the float parade will be moved to May 27 to coincide with the Independence Day on May 26.

However, she assured that Mashramani 2016 celebrations will still entail the usual school competitions and cultural activities.

But in essence, Government’s plan is to “tone down Mashramani 2016” in order to “hype up” Independence Day 2016.

When asked whether the float parade will return for Mashramani 2017, Minister Henry indicated she is unsure but noted it is her expectation that it will.

Meanwhile, the Minister said the ostentatious costume design and float parades shifted for May is expected to have 50 floats to symbolize Guyana’s celebration of 50 years as an Independent nation.

Asked about other activities in the line-up for the magnificent Independence Day celebrations, Minister Henry said events will commence as early as January and will include symposiums, cultural events and school competitions in every administrative region. On Independence Day, she said, there will be a two-hour cultural programme which will coincide with the flag-raising ceremony.

Moreover, the A Partnership for National Unity+Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC) Government aims to have these celebrations big and grand.

In fact, a commemorative committee was established to oversee the mass planning for the celebrations.

Some $65 million was allocated in Budget 2015 for the Independence Day celebrations however Minister Henry indicated that that amount is not enough. She explained that $65 million is merely for the preparatory works and that a larger figure will be budgeted in 2016 to ensure the celebrations are a memorable success.

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